Clarification on Delegation of Powers for Redeployment of Posts in the Department of Posts
Clarification on Delegation of Powers for Redeployment of Posts in the Department of Posts
The Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, has issued an important clarification regarding the delegation of powers for the redeployment of posts within the Department of Posts. This is a crucial update for all Heads of Circles and relevant authorities in the postal service.
Issued by- Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, Government of India
No. Q-25/4/2024-PE-I-DOP Date: May 27, 2024
Subject: Delegation of Powers for Redeployment of Posts
- Initial Delegation (1993):
- The initial delegation of powers for the redeployment of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts to Chief Postmasters General was established by the Ministry of Finance in 1993.
- Powers for redeployment of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ posts were assigned to the Postal Services Board (PSB) with the concurrence of the Financial Adviser (FA).
- Extension of Delegated Powers (2022):
- In 2022, all Heads of Circles were assigned powers to redeploy all Group B posts (both Gazetted and Non-Gazetted), in addition to Group C posts, with the concurrence of the Circle Integrated Finance Adviser (CIFA).
- These powers were further extended to Circles and PSB by a directive in 2019.
- Recent Developments (2024):
- The Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, issued a compendium of instructions on January 5, 2024, outlining the guidelines for the creation, revival, continuation, conversion, transfer, upgradation, down-gradation, and abolition of posts under the Central Government.
- These guidelines stated that any specific exemptions previously granted to any Ministry or Department were withdrawn unless listed in Appendix-I of the compendium.
Current Clarification
After the Department of Posts was not included in the specific exemptions in Appendix-I, the matter was taken up with the Department of Expenditure. On May 17, 2024, the Department of Expenditure clarified that the specific exemptions granted to the Department of Posts in 1993, and further continued in 2019, will remain in effect under the current instructions from January 5, 2024.
This means that the Department of Posts retains its delegated powers for the redeployment of Group ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ posts as per the existing guidelines.
Action Required
This clarification should be communicated to all concerned parties immediately. It has been issued with the approval of the Competent Authority to ensure that there is no confusion regarding the redeployment of posts within the Department of Posts.
Signed by
R. N. Bharti
Director (Estt.), Department of Posts
Phone: 011-2309 6235

Source : Employee Corner