Implementation of Annual Capacity Building Plans (ACBP)in Department of Posts.
Mission karmyogi division of DOP has issued an order regarding Implementation of Annual Capacity Building Plans (ACBP)in Department of Posts.
F.No. Tr.19/1/2023-Training-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Mission Karmayogi Division)
Heads of Circle
Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad
Director, Postal Training Centres
In-Charge, Regional Training Centres
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 06.02.2024
Subject: Implementation of Annual Capacity Building Plans (ACBP)in Department of Posts.
This is in continuation with undersigned DO letter dated 03.10.2023 & 17.10.2023, regarding implementation of Annual Capacity Building Plans (ACBPs) in Department of Posts for 2023-24 under Mission Karmayogi Project.
2. In this regard, as per Capacity Building Plan, mid/long term capacity building initiatives are to be undertaken within 2nd and 4th quarter of FY 2023-24. Detailed training calendar in terms of number of participants is also included in Annual Capacity Building Plan 2023-24. The progress of ACBP 2023-24 is being monitored by Cabinet Secretariat Coordination Unit (CSCU) under PMO, DOPT & Capacity Building Commission (CBC).
3. The E-Learning Program on ‘Mission Karmayogi Guidelines’ is a comprehensive audio-visual online training initiative, developed by the Postal Training Centre, Vadodara, as per ‘WTDET’ model prescribed by DoPT. This program aims to enhance the understanding and effectiveness of these guidelines among the stakeholders.
4. Accordingly, as per the mandate of ACBP for 2023-24, all the Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ officers, IP/ASP and officers/officials dealing with training activities in Division / Region / Circle office & Training Centres have to complete the “Mission Karmayogi Guidelines” course on Dak Karmayogi / iGOT Karmayogi Portal, latest by 28.02.2024.
This has the approval of Director General Postal Services.
Dinesh Kumar Sharma
Deputy Director General
(Mission Karmayogi)
Copy to: GM, CEPT – for uploading the order on India Post website.